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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fast & Safe Nature Runescape Guide

Tired of getting pk'd or at least snared, entangled, or ice barraged in level 5 wild trying to make it into abyss?

Tired of finally making it to the abyss just to get thrashed and smashed by abyss creatures before entering the middle section?

Tired of hours walking back and forth from Tai Bwo Wanni General store to nature alter?

Tired of selling your noted pure essance at Tai Bwo Wanni General store and John Doe quickly buying it before you can buy back?

.... if so



Level 44 Runecrafting

Quest Requirements:

A Fairy Tale Part II - Quest Started, doesnt need completed (credit Player N )

- You do not need either of the Farming or Herblore requirements to gain access to the Fairy Rings. You only need to be able to start the quest

- Just start the quest by talking with the Martin the Master Farmer then get to the part where the Fairy Cook shows you how to use the teleport rings. Herb & Farming levels are NOT required up to this point. Fairy Tale Part I quest is though.

* NOTE *
- Do NOT thieve from Martin at the beginning or you will have a long wait.

Items Required:

1 Nature Tailsman (or) Nature Tiara
1 Dramen Staff - 1KG (weight)
1 Lunar Staff - 2KG (weight)

Skill Recommendations:

High Agility is an advantage in the energy restore rate
High Runecrafting is also an advantage for more pouches

Item Recommendations:

1 Small Pouch
1 Medium Pouch
1 Large Pouch
1 Giant Pouch
Boots of Lightness
Multiple Amulets of Glory

Route 1:

Start off by going to the bank (fairy) at the Lost City of Zanaris.

Withdraw your nature tailsman (or) wear your nature tiara. Wield your Lunar Staff or Dramen Staff and head over to the fairy rings used in Fairy Tale Part II quest (south east of bank)
- also withdraw boots of lightness & pouches if you have these

Once at the Fairy Rings put in the combination code C-K-R . (click each of the 3 dials clockwise 2 times) Which will teleport you to the fairy ring just north west of Shilo Village.

Walk Around the Trees and keep to the north side of shilo village fence (so you dont wander around trees) till you see the house with the ladder inside shilo village, then cut north.

Craft your nature runes, leave the alter and head back to the fairy ring and click on it, which teleports you back to Lost City of Zanaris where you can bank your nature runes and withdraw more pure essance.

Route 2:

- i personally find this way faster
- needed is multiple Amulets of Glory

Start off at Edgeville bank.

Withdraw your nature tailsman (or) wear your nature tiara. Wield your Lunar Staff or Dramen Staff
- also withdraw boots of lightness & pouches if you have these

Head East of Edgeville bank over the bridge (towards varrock), once over the bridge go straight south and follow the river to the fairy rings. Click on them to teleport to Lost City of Zanaris.

While still in the Fairy Rings in Lost City of Zanaris, just click on them a second time and enter the combination code C-K-R . (click each of the 3 dials clockwise 2 times)

Walk Around the Trees and keep to the north side of shilo village fence (so you dont wander around trees) till you see the house with the ladder inside shilo village, then cut north.

Craft your nature runes. Rub your Amulet of Glory and teleport back to Edgeville. Bank your nature runes and withdaw more pure essance.


Abyss Runecrafting:

60 steps from bank to abyss, between 5 to 40 steps to get to middle, between 5 to 40 steps inside to get to nature rift, 4 steps in alter.

Fairy Rings:

60 steps from bank to fairy rings, 50 steps from fairy rings to nature alter, 4 steps inside alter

General Store Runcrafting:

80 Steps (or more) from general store to nature alter and 80 steps back.

I Found that Crafting using the fairy rings take a maximum of 1 minute extra to craft then using the abyss method. At the same time i dont need to bring ectophail or teletablet, antipoison, food or other stuff which i might need to avoid death from pk'rs. Which means more nature runes per trip.

Side Note:

Over the past 4 weeks crafting using the Fairy Rings method i have notice alot of level 95+ combat people using the rings. (average 95 to 115)

I took it upon myself to ask some combat level 110+ why they use the rings and not the abyss being so high level.

Their Repsonse:

"98% of people over combat level 95 have teleblock, if you craft the abyss at our level you might only see a pk once every 75 trips, but when you do see a pk, they will kill you everytime. Its not so much loosing the glory amulet as it is loosing the ectophail, boots of lightness & runecrafting pouches"

Which i have to agree with. That 1 min faster on each trip using the abyss is going to cost you food, but more or less it might cost you items which you have to earn back.

75 trips saving 1 min = 75 mins (average)

Getting ectophail, boots of lightness, 3 or 4 pouches back = 75 mins + (average or more)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Iam Prabhu from chennai,joined today in this forum... :)
