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Saturday, October 27, 2007

money making guide in RS

0-10 gp start is tough. many people have more than 0 gp. but i do have some suggestions.

fisherman. lvl 16 req.

If you have a big fish net you can go to catherby and use a big net to fish oysters and caskets. this is very slow but the oysters sell or a good amount of gp same with the caskets.

Now if youre thinking there is more there isnt if you have only 16 fishing and only 10 gp you will eventually need to buy bait so that will halt youre progress.

miner 15 smith req.

sometimes when low lvls like mining to make money but mining isnt high enough to mine coal. but has at least 15 smith and mining they get stuck. well ive seen people sell iron ore up to 100 ea and iron bars 250 ea. for members this is easy with a ring of forging.

fletching no lvl req.

you can cut reg. logs and fletch them into headless arrows. you can get feathers from chickens. you can then sell them 5-15 gp ea.

runecrafting no lvl req.

this get easier the higher your lvl.
just mine ess (sell the ess or turn it into runes) in varrock then go to fally and make airs. they sell 10-20 ea

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