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Monday, October 1, 2007

RuneScape: Guide To Making Money Easily

• First you need to go to world 16 which is a non member world.
• Next you must go to Falador and put 25 unnoted ess in your invetory.
• After That you must make sure you wear an air tiara.
• Next you must go to the air altar and click on it.
• Now you must find someone that is saying stuff like "open 2k and ess back".
• Trade the person a lot. Please note it might take a while because they are busy. Still trade them even if it says they are busy. You want to be the first once they finish trade and make sure they can see your trade. It will maybe make you made because it might take a few trys before you get to trade.
• When you trade put in 25 unnoted ess and wait till they put in 25 noted ess and 2k or 150 airs. More money is fine. Make sure they give you exactly 25 noted ess back.
• Accept the trade confirmation again
• Go Through the portal and go to Falador bank.
• Put your 25 noted ess in there and then take out 25 unnoted ess. Leave the money in your invetory it saves time
• Repeat the following processes over and over


Runescape Money Guide

PLease note my pictures have an air tally which works too. Your invetory should look like this. Picture above is what caption is talking about.
Runescape Money Guide

Click On The Altar!!!
Runescape Money Guide

Trade as quick as you can. Keep trading even if it says they are busy so that way you can get them to see you want to trade right once they finish their other other trade. Please do not bug them to death if they tell you to stop. Do not always cancel out their trade if you are going so quick and u have already canceled it because this can be annoying.

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